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Grand Square of Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto

Uranus -Pluto square # 5

April 21, 2014


On April 21, the fifth of seven Uranus-Pluto squares becomes exact. For five full years, from 2011 to 2015, the clash between these two outer planets is a dominating factor. Uranus in Aries is teeming with reform ideas and quite determined. Enthusiasm can be infectious, great creative potentials push through resistance. Pluto in Capricorn braces this revolutionary tendency, wants to keep everything in control. However, in the long run, Pluto will have to give in to the Uranian grit.     

Their fifth square marks the culmination within this five-year period. Foundations for radical changes are in place, from June on innovative moves will start cascading. For the time being, lots is going on underground. We're not quite ready for bold moves.



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Additionally, this is Uranus' and Pluto's first square following their heliocentric 90 degree angle which was exact in late November 2013. Before that, compression and contraction were the dominating forces, energies were accumulated. Since they're in separation mode we have come into the release phase.

This time, Mars' and Jupiter's energies are tightly woven into the Uranus and Pluto theme. Jupiter is the largest planet of the Solar system and well-known to pump energies up. Jupiter's involvement brings the friction to a much more visible place. The smoldering conflict against governments favoring corporate interest above the wellbeing of their citizens might gain momentum.

With Mars, a personal planet is involved in this potent alignment. Whatever the issues in question will be, many people are directly affected. Large numbers of individuals might get mobilized. However, while in retrograde mode Mars' input is more subliminal and somewhat undercover.  

The expressions of this grand square can be multifold. On one side there's the danger that blocked energies suddenly and uncontrollably could erupt. On the other side we have this extreme determination to break through hindrances. At this time however, obstacles cannot be overcome directly. As intense as everything gets, this is a preparation period, designed to gather inner strength, courage and determination.

By the end of May, finally the three-fold process of retreating personal planets will come to completion. By then, having done our homework, we will know what's to be done and relentlessly push for sustainable and fair solutions.


Mars Hexagram # 48 The Well
Jupiter Hexagram # 39 Obstruction
Uranus Hexagram # 21 Biting Through
Pluto Hexagram # 38 Opposition




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