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Greenwich may be the Earth's Navel

The area around Greenwich which is close to London, UK, has hosted many sacred sites, dating back as far as we can trace history. For this reason alone it's not surprising that cartographers chose to draw Earth's zero meridian through Greenwich and build the Royal Observatory in this location.

Latitude, the other dimension of the coordinate system is naturally defined by Earth's rotation, by the equator and the Poles. You might be surprised to hear that Greenwich's Northern latitude is 51° 29', almost exactly one seventh of a circle (septile)! This is the angle we find at the apex of the Great Pyramids! There are many indications that the builders of the Great pyramids possessed superior knowledge. They must have used technologies way advanced of what we know today. Hancock and Bauval have found that the Great Pyramids are aligned with the stars, most of all to Orion's Belt.

Seven is the frequency of the beyond. It's the only digit which behaves irrationally as mathematicians say. Dividing a circle by seven one doesn't get a finite number but an infinite chain of fractals. Seven resonates with the gap between the worlds; with that which never dies, which exists beyond time and space.





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