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May 14, 2014
Buddha Full Moon
It is said that Gautama Buddha was born, attained enlightenment and left this world under a Scorpio Full Moon. Regardless whether this is factual truth or not, the May Full Moon holds a profound potential for transformation and rebirth. It's an invitation to question everything, and realize that the universe re-creates itself millions of times in everysingle second. There's a profound hum to this Full Moon. Deep-space traveller Sedna is exactly aligned with both Sun and Moon.
Albert Einstein's Sedna is conjunct Mercury and Saturn in Aries; while Vincent Van Gogh's Sedna is aligned with his Mars and Venus. These two individuals' original ideas not only altered the course of history but changed the very perception of our universe. Einstein was able to harness Sedna's unfathomable resources using his profound mental powers (Mercury/Saturn), while Van Gogh accessed this repository of universal truth through his creative passion (Venus/Mars). Since winter solstice, the three personal planets have been on a relay, passing on the torch, however running backwards. Venus opened the round, closely followed by Mercury. And for the past six weeks Mars was throwing sticks into wheels, taking the wind out of our sails, and force us to go back to the drawing board.
Working with astrology one is as vulnerable as everyone else. The big difference however is mental preparedness. Knowing the terrain we're currently passing through makes it less likely to take things all too personal. Foreknowing allows to brace oneself. One gets alerted and observes treacherous waters carefully. Precautionary measures can be taken, a life vest may be put on for example. The Ukrainian crisis is a very interesting manifestation of present celestial tensions. The grand cross touches down through retrograde Mars, which expresses in weak leadership, general confusion and indecisiveness.
On February 22, the legitimate and elected Ukrainian government was taken down by a coup d'état, instigated by the CIA, like so many times before in other countries. Behind the scene in the US there's a very dark force at work. Paul Hellyer, a Canadian ex-minister of defense who served under multiple governments is a top-level whistleblower. He gives firsthand accounts of the shadow government. Already back in 1961, President Eisenhower had given the clear and dire warning that the military-industrial complex would pose a serious threat to America and its citizens' future. 9/11 was definitely the eye-opener. If anything, this atrocity was the wakeup call. A collective initiation, it has become the cornerstone, triggering a process of global awakening. 9/11 made it ultimately clear that democracy is nothing but a farce, a mere mirage of what it was intended to be. However, this time , the events in the Ukraine might take an unexpected turn...! The February 22 chart for Kiev reveals the seed of an ongoing cascade of events. Four days prior to the Ukrainian coup, the Lunar nodes had changed signs. The plot had been set up under a Taurus South node, favoring corruption and cover-up, inertia was predominant. However, with Aries at the Moon's descending node everything changed! Surprise, surprise, things turned out somewhat different than anticipated! Lethargy was replaced by dynamic controversy. And because the Lunar nodes move backwards, their sign changes are particular poignant. Before reverting from one sign to the one prior, the nodes find themselves in the first degree in a rather archaic, crude and undeveloped environment. Then, crossing over the zero line, all of sudden they find themselves in this highly sophisticated last degree, which is the fractal of ultimate complexity and final flowering. What makes this Nodal ingress ever more epic is Vesta, Mars and Ceres' intensity, nurturing the Libra North node with a rich meal of focus and dedication, unanimously in favor of exposing shady practices and corruption.
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