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March 2015 - get the bigger picture

Energies shifted in the early days of March 2015. Pretty much at once Pluto and Uranus crossed the center line of their respective signs, 15° Capricorn and Aries. This simultaneous move brought the two planets' midpoint from Aquarius to Pisces.  Since February 2005, this confluence point has been in Aquarius. It is at this mathematical point where the two resonate with one another and thus work as a team.

Since March 2005, Uranus and Pluto worked as an Aquarian team, thus activating the entire fixed cross (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). These four seasonal center signs are well defined characters. They are the highpoints of the seasons. Because of such that sense of arrival at the core the focus is no longer in becoming (cardinal). In these four signs preservation and stabilization become maxima (Vishnu phase).

Since March 2015, into the year 2025, Uranus' and Pluto's interface, where they cross their blades is in the changeable sign Pisces. In fact, again, all four mutual signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) are tickled, thus in Shiva's fashion turning things over, destabilizing for the sake of change. And on another level the mutual signs are about shape shifting and mutation.

We're now one month into this entirely new set of frequencies. We're challenged to allow for this upgrade. In some way or other existence notches us to pull even. We get prompted to raise our vibration. Because there's no other way then going along with what is, the quicker we accept the invitation the better. Gratefully surrendering to life's crazy ride we've accomplished the most important first step. Giving in to 'what is' brings deep relaxation, and thus everything else falls in place naturally, thus unlocking, awakening and actualizing yet unknown resources of the inner and outer universe.

On March 17, 2015, Pluto and Uranus formed their seventh (and last) square aspect, setting stage for the next 30+ years, until 2047, when reaching opposition. This last exact 90 degree angle signals departure. In fact, the last moment of powerful resonance before departure shows the provisions. This last square is the last edition of Uranus and Pluto's will, it's their legacy, the final protocol and may hold the conclusion of what matters most.

We have come long ways since 2010, when the two maverick planets' tightening square aspect first produced serious sparks. If anything, during these last five years we were catapulted into higher orbits. We became exposed to all kinds of extremes and exaggerations, we had to adapt to many radical alterations.

On the very first day of the natural year, at spring equinox (March 20) there was a New Moon/Total Solar eclipse/Super Moon, in the last degree of Pisces, which is the very last degree of the zodiac. It's not farfetched to assume that in a fractal sense this last degree of the zodiac resonates with standing at the doorstep of something entirely fresh and new.  

New Moons are very subtle, Full Moons on the other hand rather bold. During New Moon intentions set, new ways of thinking emerge. This phase represents the planting of seeds which is a deeply internal process. Unbeknownst to the conscious mind, deep down gears are shifting, nudging us, directing our eyes into essentials.  

Solar eclipses can only be observed from limited areas, the narrow path of the Moon's shadow racing over Earth's surface. Lunar eclipses on the other hand can be seen from an entire hemisphere, wherever night prevails. It's at the peak moment of Full Moon when the Moon travels through Earth's shadow. Potentials come to flower with Full Moon. Secrets are being exposed, skeletons lifted out into the open. New tunes descend from rooftops, sending riddles - or even shock waves - through the individual as well as our collective psyche.




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